Apple Watch Kit

With the rise in popularity of wearable devices, smartwatch forensics is continuing to play an increasingly important role in the discipline of digital forensics. MOBILedit Forensic Pro has been able to read data directly from Apple Watches for a while, and we are now introducing a special Apple Watch Connection Kit. This will ensure that customers have the complete toolkit to start acquisitions of the most popular smartwatches on the market.

According to the website “Business of apps”, Apple sold 43.1 million watches in 2020, and the home and wearables division of Apple grew by 25% last year. “Macrumors” website claims that “More Than 100 Million People Worldwide Use an Apple Watch”.

Smartwatches are even more personal than a phone and can provide additional data such as heartbeat, evidence of different physical activities, or even more precise geolocation information.

This new toolkit can be vital if you don’t have a phone available and a smartwatch is the only digital evidence you can recover.

The BBC news site reports in one headline that, “Apple Watch provides murder case clues”. This relates to Police in Australia using Apple watch evidence in a murder trial. The watch provided data that refuted the defendant's alibi by indicating the victim's time of death, as the victim was wearing an Apple watch that had recorded her health data.

Using MOBILedit Forensic Pro and the Apple Watch Kit, the following data is accessible from Apple Watches up to and including series 5 and SE:

  • Device info

  • UID

  • MAC addresses

  • Files

  • Notes

  • Voice recordings

  • Synchronized Photos including geolocations

  • Memory

  • System logs

  • Application list

  • SW revision

You can find more information in our user guide article, Forensic analysis of the Apple Watch.

If you are already using MOBILedit Forensic Pro then you shouldn’t miss out on this new capability for your lab.

If you would like to invest in a kit, find out more information or ask any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of our team members.